The Montanuniversitaet Leoben ist the official home of the project – the Chair of Physical Chemistry provides lab space (e.g. to synthesize catalysts), does process simulations and organizes outreach activies (like workshops and talks at schools).
The Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol (Pedagogical University Tyrol) provides pedagogical support for the project.
HTL Kramsach – Glas und Chemie
Together with students of the HTL Kramsach, Glas und Chemie, a test reactor is buing built that can be used to test the suitability of various possible catalysts for CO2 conversion reactions like the production of green methanol.
HTL Innsbruck – Bau und Design
Students of the HTL Innsbruck Bau und Design prepare info material about the topics and the results of the project. A logo as well as info graphics and info boards are created, mascots are designed, and more.
Other Project Partners
The Verein der Freunde der österreichischen Chemieolympiade (VFÖC, “Friends of the Austrian Chemistry Olympiad”) provides its network in order to find participants for our summer workshops. In this way, students interested in chemistry can be reached. Additionally, invitations for the workshop can be sent out to students via the Verband der Chemielehrer Österreichs (Federation of Austrian Chemistry Teachers).
Industry Partners
Various companies from Austrian industry provide us with real data (composition of exhaust gases, temperaturs…), in order to simulate processes with realistic parameters.