The Project
The goal of our project “Vom schädlichen Abgas zur Ressource – CO2 als wertvoller Rohstoff” (“From harmful waste gas to resource – CO2 as valuable raw material”), “CO2 Umwandlung” (“CO2 Conversion”) for short, is to tackle the problem of establishing a closed CO2 cycle with HTL students (within the age range of 17 to 19) and citizen scientists. CO2 conversion to base chemicals or e-fuels (fuels produced using CO2 together with green hydrogen and renewable energy) is a possible way of doing that.
Within the project, a multi-step approach to this problem is planned. Those steps include finding model processes to convert CO2, setting up a lab-scale model reactor to test different options, designing industrial-scale processes based on the lab-scale results (including cost projections), and dissemination of the results as part of an information campaign targeted at the general public.